Skye was able to spend a whole eleven days here in New York with me! Here are some of the photos he took during his stay.
The day Skye had to leave...breakfast at Juliette. :(
Everyday was full of all the fun things I've been wanting to do/eat in New York. Trips to the Met, the aquariaum/Coney Island, Highline Park, Chelsea Market, many walks around SoHo/NoHo, Brooklyn Flea. Eating Roberta's pizzas in bed (this only happened twice....), The Smile (OH MY GOD, the fig, cheese, arugula, truffle oil sandwich...), Ippudo (wasabi shoyu ramen!), Cafe Gitane, a Japanese restaurant in the East Villiage where Skye was the only non-Japanese dude (and he speaks Japanese way better than me!), Momo Sushi Shack and more. Seeing Midnight in Paris (SO GOOD) and Bill Cunningham New York (you already know how I feel about that). AND I cut off a bunch of my hair. 100 degree days in NYC will make you do that. I feel so much better now that I'm not covered in hair.
But the most fun thing of all was spending time with my best friend. One more month 'till we get to do that again!
Photos all by Skye Skjelset (look at his other pictures!)