Last Monday, Skye and I finally got around to seeing Bill Cunninham New York. I know for a fact that I have not smiled throughout a whole movie like that since I was a child. (I'm one of those people that start to zone out and daydream during movies, but there was none of that while watching Mr.Cunningham). Not only did the movie make me smile, laugh, and yes, even tear seriously inspired me. Bill is not an amazing photographer but his eye for fashion and trends and his perseverance made me think about what it is that I'm doing at this moment in time. For like FIFTY years, he has gotten on his bike and rides allllll over New York City (uptown, downtown, and back uptown again) taking pictures of anything and everything that catches his eye. And after all that bike ridin', he goes into the Times and works on his On the Street article. I mean, this dude was doing it all before all of y'all.
In all his hard work and dedication, this man appears to be so amazingly humble and kind-hearted. He has integrity that is so rare to see these days. Should I stop gushing now?
Go see it if you haven't yet!
The NYT does a video version of his article. Check them out here.