
Happy mother's day!

my mom is a tall lady
My mom is the tall one in the middle....I certainly did not inherit that from her.

shes not in jail!
This looks like a mugshot, but it was a school photo or something.

My mom, her niece, and my mom's sister.  My mom has 15 brothers and sisters, so due to the large gap in age with her siblings, this particular niece is actually my mom's age!  This was her wedding day.

sao paulo 1979?
My mom in Sao Paulo, right before she left for the States.  She's the only one in her huge family to leave home.

traveling around the country
My mom first came to New York, where she lived for a bit not knowing a stitch of English.  She then traveled around the country in a van...this is her in Arizona, I think.  I'm pretty sure I did inherit her sense of adventure and travel, though!

my mom in 1981
Then my mom settled in the Bay for a bit.  Long before I moved there for school!

My mom and I in San Francisco on my 22nd birthday (2009).

Happy mother's day to all the mothers out there......especially mine, whom I look up to so much!  

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