
Any Wednesday

Fitting for a Wednesday post, here's some stills from the 1966 movie (adapted from a Broadway play) Any Wednesday.  What honestly drew me to this movie was the cover, but the fact that it stars Jane Fonda made me actually add it to my queue.  I tried to get my boyfriend to watch this with me one night, but did not succeed.  
Anyways, it's about a woman who is sort of coaxed into getting with this married man that is basically scum.  He has this "thing" where he pretends he goes out of town every Wednesday and those are his "free days" to cheat on his wife.  He's really rich, so I guess he has that going for him....but basically he's an asshole.  

 He wins her over by visiting her everyday when she's in the hospital for "the hepatitis". (???)
Cool brown polka dot headscarf!
Oh, and she loves being surprised by an apartment full o' balloons.
 She has a DREAM apartment...this is apparently in the middle of Manhattan.  She has a courtyard??  What?  Where do I find me that?
Cute ponytail.
 Some other dude pulls the balloon trick and wins her over.
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