
Menswear bags: Lotuff & Clegg

I have always been one for wearing men's clothing.  Whenever I get the chance, I steal my boyfriend's chambray button-ups or his oversized tweed APC sweater (I LOVE THAT THING).  Another area of menswear that I simply love is men's bags.  We just started carrying Lotuff & Clegg where I work and their pieces are going so fast.  When we first opened up the box of goods, all of my co-workers immediately picked their favorite bag, brought it over to the full-length mirror, and started to imagine what life would be like if only they owned it.  Here are just a few of my favorite pieces.

Oh, and another great thing about this company; the bags are all made in Massachusetts and they're vegetable tanned! 

(I would totally use this as an oversized clutch)

You can even request  custom tote here!


Modern Girls

I have a serious Netflix instant addiction. I can't sit at home without having something playing in the background. This Friday I chose an 80s gem called "Modern Girls". Watch as two (and sometimes three) girls drag around "nice guy with a borrowed sweet ride" to all the hot LA clubs. Romance and crazy hi jinx ensue.

Sitting in a room ready a magazine about Bruce Willis?? Anyway, how dreamy is that room?

I wanted a Pacer so bad in high school. Mostly because of this.

Why were the 80s SO EIGHTIES. Every mainstream movie or music video (or music, for that matter) is so blatantly 80s. The crazy hair, the goofy sidekick friend with "wacky style", overloaded accessories....overloaded EVERYTHING. I dunno, I kinda love it, though. The nostalgia of it all. Even though I was barely even born yet.

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